A Wednesday Reminder

People do what they want to do…

If you are not doing something you (think you) want to be doing, why are you doing it?

Using different words, if you are not doing something you ENJOY, why are you doing it?

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I’m not asking because you shouldn’t be doing whatever this thing is. I’m asking because I want you to look at that WHY. That WHY - is your want - it is your priority. For better or worse, that’s what you want.

Money? Appreciation? Obligation? Doing the right thing? These are all reasons we might do something we don’t ENJOY - but choose anyway. And don’t worry, those are all reasonable priorities!

But with that in mind…

I invite you to find this awareness in your day to day. It will bring your focus back to what you REALLY want and back to WHY you're making the choices you’re making.

Then, also — give yourself a break. Pause. Fill your pitcher back up in some manner, and then get back to it.

If you don’t know how to fill your pitcher up or you’re having a hard time prioritizing youemail me immediately!

Whether you’re bouncing through your day today or struggling in a big way, take these reminders with you:

  1. Lead with logic (emotion is the anti-logic)

  2. Energy is a renewable resource but you HAVE TO RENEW IT (that’s filling your pitcher up)

  3. You will add more value to everyone around you if you are at least “half-full”, yeah?

Did you notice?

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The website is all new and so are some of my offerings.

How I can support you? Reach out today!

Sarah Price

Conscious Coach and Professional Point Guard — I’ve made my career as a project manager + translator at the intersection of creativity and technicality. I am most fulfilled when I’m helping people connect the dots and guiding them toward what they already, intuitively know.


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