The Company’s Coach
How is your team really doing at this upside-down moment in time? Are they as productive as they were before? Are you giving them what they need?

Make an investment in how folks truly feel, and ultimately how they contribute while they’re at work.
In-Team Coaching Opportunities:
Individual Membership Packs
Support your team with quarterly, “Button-Up” membership blocks. Subscriptions for teams of 3-300 people renew each quarter for as long as you need them.
I’ve been problem solving, strategizing, building technology products, and telling business stories the whole of my career. As members, your team can individually utilize my consultative superpowers to navigate their unique career goals and collective company goals alike.
Value Add: Empowerment | Individual Memberships for employees, paid for by leadership
Each Member Enjoys:
Monthly :60 sessions (billed quarterly, enjoyed monthly)
Unlimited access to me via email + Loom video responses
Regular Marco Polo video Messaging
Team Development Retainers
Leverage dedicated hours for teams with consistent, long-form coaching and empowerment tools.
Company retainers start with dynamic leadership sessions to identify company priorities and how to best structure my time with your people.
Areas of focus include project consultation, process improvement, and people empowerment.
Sold in five hour blocks, retainers begin with 1 day/mo (5 hr).
Value Add: Personalization | Specialized coaching and consulting based on company or department ambitions
“Learning to pause in the midst of professional pragmatism and connect with my intuition is a crucial skill that I am learning from Sarah. When I'm facing professional adversity, I often find myself thinking, what would Sarah Do?, and things get a little easier.”
Anastassia Laskey | Ground Control Research |

How do people FEEL after working with me?
- Worse
- Same
- Better
- Worse
- Same
- Better
“Do you feel same, better, or worse than when we started?”
I actually ask this question at the end of every coaching session because, quantitative data!
When folks say "same" or even “worse” it's because they have a lot to think about—and I call that a WIN.
Also, in this line of work, feeling “worse” can mean major progress. It has never meant, “I wish I hadn’t come.”