What more is even possible?

When I think about my professional goals in the context of this global pandemic I am tempted by uncertainty.

It’s tempting to allow my ego to derail me. It’s tempting to let ego swell and confuse me — and it’s often that ego at least prods me to question in an unhealthy way. So this afternoon I’m going to put you on to a tip… 

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First, it is ENTIRELY POSSIBLE that we have NO IDEA what’s possible. In fact, that’s fact. If you think you understand the boundaries of your potential or the depths and capacities of your soul - you’re done here — mission accomplished. Truth is, none of us do and what a gift that is because we get to keep reaching,  learning, and expanding into all that potential.

I decided long ago, in the context of this conscious coaching practice that EMPATHY is the anti-ego. Let’s read that again:

Empathy is the Anti-Ego.

Empathy is rich with compassion and love. It’s a neutralizer. If you’re feeling animosity towards another person but you pause to ask “I wonder what’s going on in their life that I’m not seeing…” - you’ll undoubtedly soften. That’s empathy!

Similarly, if you find yourself in any low-vibration emotion (full of ego, always) like fear or unworthiness (“I couldn’t possibly be as successful as I want to be”), even anger — I want you to employ some deep and active empathy for yourSELF. That might look like this: 

  • What else is going on that I’m not seeing?

  • How do I need to be supported?

  • Could I ask for that help from my ___________?

  • Can I give myself a break? Would I give a dear friend a break if they were in this situation?

  • Can I celebrate good things for just-a-damn-minute?

  • What if I was being kinder to myself? Or gosh, what if I was acting like THIS to anyone else? (Awful!)

  • And can I start again with a softened lens? 

You do not need to have all the answers. You do not need to know what’s happening tomorrow or when you’ll shower again or when you’ll prioritize a personal sacred practice again (okay, that’s mine) and you are still doing really well.

You’re already carrying on with potential beyond your wildest imagination. And because we’re all romanticizing other people’s lives, other people see it! Other people fill in the gaps with GOOD assumptions — you might as well too.

Try this empathy thing on yourself. There’s space and grace for all the things — you deserve that from you as much, if not more, than anyone else.

Sarah Price

Conscious Coach and Professional Point Guard — I’ve made my career as a project manager + translator at the intersection of creativity and technicality. I am most fulfilled when I’m helping people connect the dots and guiding them toward what they already, intuitively know.


A Wednesday Reminder


A Monday Freebie - Enjoy!