Here’s how I know you need to productize your magic!

First of all, Neon Cardigan, in its entirety, is the productization of my personal magic. If you didn’t know, now you know.

Sarah Price, coach at Neon Cardigan holds in her hands a wooden puzzle she designed and sells as part of her coaching methodology, The Authentic Ocean™.

And it’s never occurred to me that staying in alignment with the things I’m brilliant at—while also charging for them, might be problematic. I still don’t question that one bit but I realized this week, I’m talking to people about coming to terms with making money from their magic a LOT. Like a lot a lot.

Somewhere in our history as humans we decided that if there was divinity or reverence to our skill set, we might give it away for free or charge so little for it that we can’t feed ourselves. Uh. What?

As I sit here and write this, all the problems with that sentence are absolutely jumping off the page at me. “The value is so great that I should charge less or not charge at all for it.” WHAT in the self-minimizing-hell is that about?

Look. [Pause for dramatic effect.] Look.

It comes from a rich place of pure magic when you are aligned with work you KNOW you should be doing. And when we’re able to write a playbook for sharing it, its value just grows!

We’ve lost our way. Ours is a culture driven by many constructs that I take issue with. Science broke us so science often has to fix us. Money broke us so we think money will fix us. The truth is, we live in these constructs and universal support energy does not want us to suffer here. We are meant to thrive. It is that very magic you’re trying to make your money with that brought you here. It is that very magic that you agreed to share. That magic can serve so many in infinite ways—and it can also serve you. Let it fill your cup. Let it fill your bank. When it serves you in great ways, the ripple out effect will be tenfold. And when the ripple is that great, the value multiplies.

You are valuable. Your magic is valuable. You should never question whether or not you should be blessed financially for all of that value.

Here’s something I know for sure: If every time you spoke gold coins fell out of your mouth, they would be worth the weight of gold. (#provemewrong) So now hear this: If the work you do is pure gold. If when you open your mouth metaphorical gold falls out, it is also worth its weight in gold.

Now, bring me my doubloons and go raise your rates!

Sarah Price

Conscious Coach and Professional Point Guard — I’ve made my career as a project manager + translator at the intersection of creativity and technicality. I am most fulfilled when I’m helping people connect the dots and guiding them toward what they already, intuitively know.

Every Harry Potter story line ever (as a metaphor for life).


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