Every Harry Potter story line ever (as a metaphor for life).

1. Uncertainty about how to do or become something sets in.

Here’s the truth: You don't always need to know what's next to trust that you're on the right path. The fact that there is a path is evidence that you should keep going.

2. He's doing it anyway. He just leans in and starts.

No wins nor losses will be had if you don't start somewhere. Start with what you know and stretch in areas you have been avoiding. Never forget, You're a fucking wizard!

3. I can't even tell who is for him and who is against him.

Who is watching and how much does it matter whether you have their support? I'll tell you–it matters but not in the way you think it does. Focus on the task at hand. Trust yourself. The right people will celebrate you in the end.

4. Of course he wins! Of course he does.

Even if winning looks different than you thought it would you have to know you're moving-forward-only. There's no such thing as a step backwards—only cycling forward so you have already won and you will win again. In fact...

5. Winning exposes the immediate opportunity for even more growth. Every time.

Visit the Insta-carousel to see this metaphor as told through gifs!

Sarah Price

Conscious Coach and Professional Point Guard — I’ve made my career as a project manager + translator at the intersection of creativity and technicality. I am most fulfilled when I’m helping people connect the dots and guiding them toward what they already, intuitively know.


Our Circumstances ≠ Our Experiences.


Here’s how I know you need to productize your magic!